Category: Brazilian Butt Lift

When Fat Is on Your (Back) Side: 4 Benefits of the Brazilian Butt Lift

Many of us did not enlist in the Battle of the Bulge. Yet, eliminating our bulges has become a constant struggle. Excess fat on the abdomen, hips, and thighs is resilient; and until recently, nothing positive has ever come from it. What Does a Brazilian Butt Lift Do? With the Brazilian Butt Lift (aka: BBL Surgery), patients can put their stubborn, unwanted fat to use. First, fat is removed from trouble areas via liposuction, slimming those areas down. The harvested fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks to enhance volume; and to improve the overall shape. As if ... Read more

Lessons From A Miami Butt Enhancement Plastic Surgeon*

With great pride, I specialize in buttocks enhancement via fat transfer. Although I do offer butt augmentation with the use of silicone implants, there is nothing like using a person’s own fat to sculpt his or her butt into a more flattering shape and size.* My travels throughout the world, most recently to Europe and Chicago, have allowed me to lecture on my “Highlight Liposculpting and Lipo Fat Transfer” 3-D approach. It has taken me about five to seven years to fully develop my 3-D approach. Through my teaching and studies, I have come to define the three variables that ... Read more

La “Belfie” en Inglés (La Selfie del los Glúteos)*

*Con el predominio que tienen las redes sociales de internet y el incremento de la apreciación hacia la parte posterior (los glúteos) en estos días, no, nos sorprende cuando vemos que una de las nuevas tendencias en las redes sociales es la publicación continua de fotos mostrando los glúteos (“selfies”), mejor conocida como “Belfie.” Jen Selter, modelo de ejercicios se ha convertido en una sensación en Instagram por esa sencilla razón, ella ha publicado continuamente fotos de su trasero “Belfies”, e inclusive celebridades se han dejado llevar por esta nueva manía. Estas fotos son publicadas a lo largo y ancho ... Read more

Dr. Mendieta’s Signature Enhancement Techniques for a Beautiful Butt*

Dr. Mendieta understands that people have different views of beauty. And he tailors his butt enhancement procedures to meet each patient’s individual desires.* During an initial consultation, Dr. Mendieta evaluates the patient to determine the most appropriate technique for their condition that will meet their enhancement goals.* He takes into account the patient’s entire body before reshaping the buttocks in order to determine how to best enhance the buttocks in relation to the rest of the body.* Two of Dr. Mendieta’s most popular butt enhancement techniques are the Highlight Liposculpting and Lipo Fat Transfer 3-D Approach and the Miami Thong ... Read more

Técnicas Que Son el Sello de Presentación del Dr. Mendieta para Embellecer los Glúteos*

El Dr. Mendieta entiende perfectamente que cada persona tiene un concepto diferente en cuanto a belleza se refiere, por lo tanto el ha diseñado los procedimientos que el utiliza para el aumento de los glúteos, para poder alcanzar los metas personales de cada uno de sus pacientes.* El toma en consideración la figura en general del paciente antes de realizar algún trabajo de levantamiento o modelación de los glúteos, para poder determinar cuál será la mejor técnica a utilizar para mejorar la apariencia de estos, haciéndolo de manera uniforme con el resto del cuerpo.* El Dr. Mendieta utiliza dos técnicas ... Read more

The “Belfie”*

What is a Belfie? With the prevalence of social media and the increasing appreciation for a shapely behind, it comes as no surprise that the newest trend is people posting “selfies” of their butt, dubbed the “Belfie.” Fitness model Jen Selter became an Instagram sensation for posting Belfies of her curvaceous derriere, and popular celebrities have also participated in this new craze. These photos are showing up all over social media, and patients often come to me now with Belfies of celebrities or of their friends rather than the edited magazine pictures they used to bring. My butt augmentation patients ... Read more