Category: Brazilian Butt Lift

Why More Men are Getting Cosmetic Surgery*

Plastic Surgery for Men is on the Rise In our society, having a youthful and attractive appearance can be highly beneficial – and this doesn’t only apply to women. The consensus that plastic surgery patients are all women is no longer true; due to a large increase in the number of men who have undergone plastic surgery over the last few years. In fact, according to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, men underwent almost 1 million cosmetic procedures in 2012, and male cosmetic surgery has increased over 106 percent since 1997. The most popular surgical procedures for men ... Read more

Tratamiento de Cicatrización, lo que se debe hacer y no hacer*

El número de personas que se someten a una cirugía plástica para mejorar su apariencia ha incrementado considerablemente, pero algunos personas tienen temor de que las cicatrices le resten valor a los resultados en su nueva apariencia. Las incisiones que se realizan son necesarias para poder tener acceso al tejido exterior y así llevar a cabo las alteraciones necesarias para introducir los implantes, haciendo inevitables las marcas de cicatrización en la mayor parte de las cirugías. Sin embargo, recientes investigaciones y la tecnología están ayudando a llevar a cabo tratamientos de cicatrización, haciendo las marcas virtualmente invisibles. A continuación mencionare ... Read more

Do’s and Don’ts of Scar Treatment*

Increasing numbers of people are turning to plastic surgery to enhance their appearance, but some worry that scars may detract from their new and improved look. Incisions are often necessary to access the underlying tissue and make alterations or add implants, making scarring an inevitable part of most surgeries.* However, new research and technologies are allowing for scar treatment that makes scars virtually invisible. Here are the Do’s and Don’ts of Scar Treatment.* Don’t: Apply Hydrogen Peroxide or Vitamin E* While hydrogen peroxide has been used as a ‘go-to’ for wound treatment, research has revealed that it actually harms the ... Read more

To Liposuction or Not to Liposuction*

Butt Implants vs BBL Butt enhancement surgery can be performed to achieve a rounder, voluminous buttocks with a more attractive contour.* There are a couple of different techniques that can be used for the surgery. Patients have the option of butt augmentation with fat transfer; or butt augmentation with implants. Liposuction and Butt Fat Transfer The fat transfer lipo method (aka: “autologous fat grafting”) involves removing fat from one area of the patient’s body via liposuction; and then injecting it into the buttocks. However, patients without enough excess fat to be used for grafting will need silicone butt implants to ... Read more

Liposucción o No Liposucción*

La cirugía del aumento de los glúteos se puede realizar para adquirir un una parte trasera más voluminosa y redondeada con un contorno y atractiva apariencia. Existen un par de técnicas que pueden ser usadas en este tipo de cirugía: los pacientes tienen la opción del aumento de los glúteos con la transferencia de la grasa o el aumento de los glúteos con implantes.* El transferencia de grasa o “injerto autólogo de grasa”, es un método que consiste transferir grasa de una área del cuerpo del paciente a través de una liposucción y se inyecta en la parte de los ... Read more