Category: Butt Augmentation

The “Belfie”*

What is a Belfie? With the prevalence of social media and the increasing appreciation for a shapely behind, it comes as no surprise that the newest trend is people posting “selfies” of their butt, dubbed the “Belfie.” Fitness model Jen Selter became an Instagram sensation for posting Belfies of her curvaceous derriere, and popular celebrities have also participated in this new craze. These photos are showing up all over social media, and patients often come to me now with Belfies of celebrities or of their friends rather than the edited magazine pictures they used to bring. My butt augmentation patients ... Read more

Como mejorar la apariencia de unos Glúteos Caídos*

Excess fat is the result of a flabby and sagging buttocks and the lack of tone in the muscles can cause the fall and derriere look flabby rather than having a defined shape and form. Likewise fat between the muscles and the skin can contribute to tissue sagging limit what a good appearance of the buttocks. Buttocks and falls will be lost in the thighs, even could clog the crease of the buttocks. Fortunately, there are a variety of techniques that may improve the appearance of the rear helping to look high and with a perfect outline.* Exercises* The muscles ... Read more

How to Fix a Droopy Butt*

A droopy or saggy butt is generally the result of excess fat and poor muscle tone in the buttocks. Weak butt muscles can cause the butt to sag by weighing it down rather than giving it a more round and defined shape. In addition, fat between the muscles and the skin can contribute to floppy, low-hanging tissue that further detracts from the buttocks’ appearance. The butt cheeks may hang down and blend with the back of the thighs, and they may even obscure the gluteal fold. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways that the backside can be improved to ... Read more

¿Cuál es la duración de la cirugía del aumento de los glúteos?*

La cirugía del aumento de los glúteos pude ayudar al mejoramiento de la posición, el volumen, así como al contorno del derriere. El Dr. Mendieta es un especialista que realiza este procedimiento utilizando la técnica de transferencia de la grasa o la técnica con implantes.* Sus pacientes con frecuencias se preguntan ¿cuál será la duración de este procedimiento? Las dos técnicas que se utilizan para el mejoramiento de los glúteos, ofrecen excelentes resultados de larga duración que mejoraran la apariencia de las nalgas, así como la seguridad personal del paciente.* Transferencia o Injerto de la Grasa (Aumento del los Glúteos ... Read more

Study on Fat Grafting for Buttock Augmentation Finds Excellent Results*

What is Fat Grafting? Certain exercises can help improve the appearance of the buttocks, but these efforts do not always produce the volumizing results that people want.* Fat grafting, also known as “fat transfer,” is a revolutionary procedure that removes unwanted fat using liposuction from one area of the body and transfers it to another area for augmentation, such as the buttocks.* This procedure has the double benefit of slimming particular regions of the body while providing volume to another feature of the body.* A study titled “Gluteoplasty with Autologous Fat Tissue” published in October 2013 in Plastic and Reconstructive ... Read more

El Dr. Mendieta presentando en Harper’s Bazaar*

Harper’s Bazaar fue la primera revista de modas, que hizo su debut en 1867, y en la actualidad sigue a la vanguardia debido a los productos sofisticados que presenta entre sus páginas del mundo de la moda, la belleza, así como de la cultura popular. En Abril 4, 2014, Harper’s Bazaar  presento la lista de los 24 doctores más destacados y a la vanguardia con el busturí, el Dr. Mendieta se siente alagado de que haya sido considerado entre “Los Mejores Cirujanos de Belleza.” La recomendación personal es la mejor tarjeta de presentación, para encontrar cirujanos de excepcional reputación. El ... Read more