Category: Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Eye Surgery: Is it Worth it?

One of the biggest age defining giveaways is in the eyes. However, with the many types of cosmetic eye surgery options, these facial feature tattle tails can be better silenced. Nonetheless, choosing a qualified, experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon is essential for promising and safe results.

Plastic Surgery in Miami | The Cosmetic Procedure Hub

Men and women travel from all over the world to get plastic surgery procedures in Miami, Florida. One of the most common reasons is because they choose to make their cosmetic treatment a part of a luxurious vacation. Another reason is because some of the best plastic surgeons in the world practice in Miami. Dr. Constantino Mendieta is well known for his expert methods, such as The Mendieta Technique and has his own plastic surgery center in Miami.

Why Exparel is the Best Medication for Surgical Pain Management

For a long time, surgeons have prescribed opioid analgesic drugs for surgical pain management. However, like most other medications, opioids have adverse side effects and risks for misuse and addiction. Fortunately, Exparel has been considered the best pain management alternative.

Pectoral Implants for Men in Miami

Despite faithfully adhering to a healthy diet and workout routine, it is often difficult to develop the pectoral muscles. For some men, a flat or underdeveloped chest can make them feel self-conscious, especially at the gym, the beach or around a pool. Unlike female breast augmentation, male pectoral implants are firmer, thinner and squared off (or oval, depending on your body shape). The firmness and shape provide the chiseled, muscular look you are after. How Does Male Pectoral Augmentation Work? A skilled plastic surgeon can determine if you are a candidate for pectoral implants. In most cases, you need twenty ... Read more

What to Know About Recovery from Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

If you desire to reshape your breasts, a breast augmentation with a fat transfer can be an ideal way to boost your appearance. The recovery period can be minimal to other breast augmentation procedures. This is because the incisions made are smaller in comparison. Below is what you need to know about the recovery period from breast augmentation with a fat transfer. First Weeks After Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer The outpatient procedure for a breast augmentation with a fat transfer is done using a general anesthesia. While you may experience some soreness and bruising, you may be able to ... Read more

Body Enhancing Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift

What are the Advantages of a Brazilian Butt Lift? Butt injections are quickly becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for both men and women. If you feel that your figure is less than desirable, a Brazilian butt lift can help you enhance the natural body curves. Below are the top body enhancing benefits you can receive from a Brazilian butt lift. Reduce Fat in Other Body Areas During a Brazilian butt lift, the plastic surgeon uses body fat taken from other areas of your body. You can choose to lose fat from problem areas such as your ... Read more