Under Eye Fat Transfer in Miami

Under Eye Fat Transfer with Dr. Mendieta

As we age, the fat volume in our face decreases, leading to sunken cheeks and a tired look under the eyes. Also, as the face fat volume reduces, fine lines under the eyes, under-eye wrinkles, bags under the eyes and laugh lines become more visible. Fortunately, replacing the lost natural fat and restoring your youthful glow and look with under-eye fat transfer with Dr. Constantino Mendieta is possible.

What Causes Bags Under Eyes

Bags under the eyes (also called under-eye bags or puffiness under the eyes) can be caused by various factors, including age, genetics, fluid retention, allergies and sinus conditions, fatigue or lack of sleep and lifestyle factors. Medical conditions like renal disease, dermatomyositis, thyroid eye disease and dermatitis can also cause under-eye bags.

Treatments for Under Eye Bags

Depending on the cause, there are several treatments available for under-eye bags. The choice of treatment depends on the severity. At-home remedies can temporarily reduce puffiness, but Dr. Mendieta recommends noninvasive treatments to get rid of under-eye bags.

Besides noninvasive treatment methods, surgical procedures like blepharoplasty (lower eyelid surgery) can be used in more severe cases. The procedure involves the removal of excess fat and the tightening of the underlying tissues.

How to Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags Permanently Without Surgery

While they won’t be very effective, some home remedies can help lessen the appearance of puffiness under the eyes. For instance, getting more rest; treating allergy symptoms; using creams with caffeine; reducing salt intake; and stopping smoking are some under-eye bag remedies. Other under-eye bag removal procedures include chemical peels, radio frequency treatments, laser resurfacing and under-eye fillers.

However, a plastic surgeon may recommend fat transfer under the eyes. Facial fat transfer or grafting is one of the best anti-aging eye treatments. Fat grafting uses a syringe to harvest the patient’s fat from the inner thighs or abdomen. The fat is then purified and reinjected into the lower eye area to restore a youthful, natural appearance.

Fat Transfer Under Eyes vs Fillers

Both fat transfer and dermal fillers are treatments for under-eye bags in an injectable form. Facial fat transfer may be a better choice over under-eye fillers, especially if you want to restore the volume around the eyes. Fat grafting results last longer than fillers.

Under Eye Botox

Botox under-eyes injections may eliminate the appearance of under-eye wrinkles. Under-eye Botox can also help reduce puffy under-eye areas. However, Botox may not be the best solution for under-eye bags compared to dermal fillers.

Request an Under Eye Treatment Consultation with Dr. Mendieta

Dr. Mendieta and his team at 4Beauty Aesthetic Institute for Plastic Surgery in Miami will answer all of your questions and help you decide if an Under Eye Fat Transfer is right for you. We are some of the best fat transfer surgeons in Miami, look no further. Call the best South Florida Surgery Center today to schedule a consultation at 305-860-0717. You may also contact us online.