Varicose Veins Treatment in Miami

Varicose Veins Treatment with Dr. Mendieta

What causes varicose veins? Are varicose veins dangerous? Do varicose veins hurt? Do men get varicose veins? Does insurance cover varicose vein treatment? These are just some of the questions people ask when facing the prospect of developing varicose veins.

You can develop varicose veins after weight loss, during pregnancy or due to other reasons. There are different types and stages of varicose veins, and they can appear on your legs, arm, ankles, abdomen, face and other places.

Below is an overview of the types and causes of varicose veins and treatment options in Miami:

What Are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins refer to swollen, twisted blood vessels under your skin. They occur when the walls of the vein become weak, causing the vein to become bigger when blood flows through. The bulging affects the valves that restrict blood flow to one direction resulting in slugging blood flow. This can cause blood to pool or back up, causing the veins to swell and twist.

Varicose veins closer to the skin are visible as red or purple bulges. The visible bumps remain the primary varicose vein symptoms. Spider varicose veins are much smaller and resemble spider webs. They often form behind the knees or ankles. Varicose veins on the legs can also be painful or itchy but are generally non-threatening.

What Causes Varicose Veins in Legs?

The primary cause of varicose veins is weakened vein walls and valves that cause blood to back up or pool inside the veins, resulting in swelling. Vein walls and valves can weaken due to hormones, aging, excess weight, restrictive clothing and long hours of sitting/standing.

Pregnancy varicose veins occur due to increased pressure in the pelvic area caused by the developing child. Varicose veins on legs are the most prolific exhibition of the condition. Varicose veins on ankles are also common. However, you can also have varicose veins on arms, abdomen, buttocks and testicles.

Varicose veins in abdomen are more common among bodybuilders (bodybuilding varicose veins), while varicose veins on buttocks and thighs are common in pregnant women. Varicose veins in testicles (testicular varicose veins) can lead to infertility in men.

How are Varicose Veins Treated?

There are many options for those seeking how to treat varicose veins. Treatments for varicose veins include self-care, wearing supportive clothing and advanced procedures, such as laser treatment, litigation and stripping, phlebectomy, radiofrequency treatment and sclerotherapy.

Painful varicose veins require prompt treatment to ease the discomfort, while varicose veins in pregnancy can be relieved using simple home self-care practices.

Below is an overview of the popular options used in treating varicose veins:

  • Home Treatment: Involves self-care practices like propping up (elevating) your legs above your waist, wearing compression stockings, getting plenty of exercise and avoiding extended periods of standing or sitting. These practices can ease varicose vein symptoms.
  • Laser Treatment: Laser treatment for varicose veins involves using laser energy to scar and destroy the veins in a process known as ablation. The doctor uses simple laser therapy for small veins closer to the skin and endovenous laser therapy for veins much further.
  • Litigation and Stripping: Involves varicose vein removal accomplished by incisions over the vein. The doctor will cut the varicose vein, tie it off and strip/remove it from the affected area. Phlebectomy is another procedure involving several tiny cuts made through the skin to remove the varicose vein.
  • Radiofrequency Treatment: Radiofrequency ablation for varicose veins involves using radiofrequency energy to scar and close large varicose veins deeper in the legs.
  • Sclerotherapy: Involves injecting a chemical into the varicose vein to scar and damage the inside lining, causing the vein to close. Sclerotherapy is mainly used for small veins.

The average cost of varicose vein treatment is $1,500 to $3,000, depending on the procedure. Treatment is personalized based on your needs, so you should find an experienced doctor for varicose veins. Your doctor will evaluate the condition and help you determine the best treatment for varicose veins based on your needs. Financing for cosmetic procedures is available.

Schedule a Consultation for Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose veins are a common condition that causes your veins to swell, bulge and twist. In severe cases, the bulging veins are visible under the skin and have a red or purple tone. Varicose veins are mostly unsightly and harmless, but the condition can have serious health risks when it causes clotting.

Self-care can help relieve the symptoms, but visiting a varicose vein specialist is the best solution. Dr. Constantino Mendieta is an experienced varicose vein doctor in Miami. He will evaluate your condition and determine the best treatment. 4Beauty Aesthetic Institute for Plastic Surgery is comprised of leading vein doctors and cosmetic surgeons in Miami who have previously treated patients with similar conditions. Note that varicose veins can recur following treatment.

Call us today at 305-860-0717 to schedule a consultation for varicose vein treatment or another type of procedure. We offer a long list of surgical and non surgical cosmetic procedures. You may also contact us online.